Dipsy Diver VS Jet Diver – Which Is The Best Type Of Dive Propulsion Device?

Diving enthusiasts have a variety of options when it comes to choosing the right dive gear for their needs. When it comes to selecting a diving propulsion device, there are two main types: dipsy divers and jet divers. So which one is right for you? Here’s a look at the pros and cons of each type of device to help you make the best decision for your next dive trip!

Dipsy Diver VS Jet Diver
Dipsy Diver VS Jet Diver
Dipsy Diver VS Jet Diver - Which Is The Best Type Of Dive Propulsion Device?

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Dipsy Diver VS Jet Diver - Which Is The Best Type Of Dive Propulsion Device?

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Key Differences On Dipsy Diver VS Jet Diver:

  • 1. Dipsy diver is less expensive
  • 2. Jet divers are quieter
  • 3. Dipsy divers allow for greater depth while jet divers provide more efficient propulsion
  • 4. Dipsy diver and jet diver both function the same in water and air
  • 5. The primary difference between a dipsy diver vs jet diver: they propel you in different directions!

In-Depth Discussion Regarding Jet Diver VS Dipsy Diver:


Jet divers are typically much heavier than dipsy divers, making them a better option for those looking to cover long distances quickly.


Dipsy divers can be used at much greater depths than jet divers, making them the better choice for deep-diving expeditions.


Jet divers provide more efficient propulsion than dipsy divers, but this is typically only noticeable when using the device for long-distance movement.


Dipsy divers propel their users in a downward direction, while jet divers propel the diver forward and slightly upward. Thus, a jet diver allows you to move both up and down as well as forward – making them great for long-distance travel!


Dipsy divers are typically less expensive than jet divers, but the price of each diver depends on exact features and functions.

Dipsy Diver VS Jet Diver - Which Is The Best Type Of Dive Propulsion Device?

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Dipsy Diver VS Jet Diver - Which Is The Best Type Of Dive Propulsion Device?

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FAQ Dipsy VS Jet Diver:

1. Can either device be used on land?

Ans: Neither of these divers can be used out of the water, but they function similarly to flippers on your feet when you are walking!

2. Which diver is more efficient?

Ans: As mentioned previously, jet divers offer greater efficiency than dipsy divers due to the propulsion they provide. However, this is typically only noticeable when traveling long distances.

3. Which diver is better for deep-diving?

Ans: Dipsy divers can be used at much greater depths than jet divers, making them the better choice for deep-diving expeditions.

4. Which diver is quieter?

Ans: Jet divers are typically much quieter than dipsy divers, making them the better option for those looking to avoid scaring away fish and other aquatic life.

5. How does the direction of travel differ between the two?

Ans: Dipsy divers propel their user in a downward direction, while jet divers propel the diver forward and slightly upward. Thus, a jet diver allows you to move both up and down as well as forward – making them great for long-distance travel!


With the dipsy diver, you’ll get better visibility and a more enjoyable dive experience. The jet diver is much faster to descend with but doesn’t provide as great of an underwater view for divers who want to enjoy every inch of what’s below them. Which would be best for your needs? Let us know!

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