Kayak Safety Equipment – Tips 2022

As we should know, kayaking is a sport that has been developing for many years. There are many practice methods and, of course, many lovers of its fishing style.

For kayaking inflatable or hard-shell, after learning the main rules and learning to sail, it is important to know about the kayak safety equipment, which varies, depending on the weather and where you are going to make your next adventure.

Do you want to know more? Keep reading!

Kayak Safety Equipment
Kayak Safety Equipment

The most essential things at the time of going kayaking are:

Kayak Safety Equipment – Tips Step By Step

  1. An individual or double kayak.

When embarking on your adventure, depending on whether you like to go alone or accompanied, you must choose the kayak model that best suits you or, in another case, the two of you. On the other hand, if you want to go fishing with a fishing kayak, it is advisable to go out with a double kayak and with a partner because some waters are usually strong.

  1. Lifejacket, a whistle and light elements.

Remember to choose one lifejacket that goes with your weight and physical texture. With its bright colors, people can locate you more easily in case you get lost in the water. Moreover, with a whistle, you can make them find you more quickly if you are injured or lost in the middle of the river or the sea.

  1. Breathable isothermal suit during night fishing.

Like the lifejacket, a breathable isothermal suit is of the utmost importance during kayaking, especially if it is in the open sea and even more so, if it is at night. You can be safe if an accident occurs and you fall into the icy water or get stranded in the middle of a cold night because the suit will help keep your body heat for longer.

  1. An electronic device to communicate with others (mobile phone or Hand Held VHF).

They are a very significant part of the kayak safety equipment. Every time you plan to go kayaking, do not forget to notify a family member or acquaintance. Also, always have on hand a device that allows you to communicate with them in case of emergencies or if you get lost on the road.

  1. Sun protection (polarized sunglasses, cap or hat, protective cream, etc.)

Remember that kayaks have no roof; therefore, it is very important to use protection for your skin if you are going to spend a lot of time under sunlight.

  1. Approved lights (to see and to indicate your position during the night).

These types of lights are important, especially in night fishing, as they will help you show your location if any inconvenience happens and will also help you know where you are.

  1. Clothing and footwear

For day to day, some people simply choose to wear a normal garment, a lifejacket and the main protections, but thermal garments will be very necessary since we will be a long time with humidity and in the same position, especially if you find yourself fishing or kayaking on high seas at night.

The most delicate parts such as the waist, feet and hands should be well protected so that they do not lose heat if the temperature drops. In those cases, a wetsuit to maintain body heat is usually the most used. For the feet, some neoprene or rubber booties are useful in the case that we have to disembark in rocky areas and, for the head, a hat or cap is convenient. Wearing neoprene gloves will protect our hands and give us security if we are fishing, for example. Remember that fish are usually very restless, wet and slippery.

  1. Spare paddles/paddles.

Before going kayaking, whether it is the river or the high seas, you must keep with you removable spare paddles in case of any wave comes. Do not forget to have spare parts for the most relevant items of your kayak safety equipment.

  1. Flashlight and sparklers.

You should use, preferably, flashlights with flash buttons and emergency strobe lights. It will help you especially at night. The sparklers will help people locate you in case you get lost.

Some other instruments you need when doing kayaking are:

– Provisions: it never hurts to have a little medicine or food nearby in case we get lost or we have to spend a lot of time away from the city.

– GPS: they are very useful to locate us at all times.

– Flotation bags: Flotation bags have the main function to minimize the amount of water that accumulates in canoes and kayaks, preventing them from sinking if they tip over or if some other type of accident occurs.

– First aid kits: another tool that must be a mandatory part of the kayak safety equipment. It is a bag or quick access box that contains supplies for first aid and medical emergencies.

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